Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . ____________________ is the opposite of south . 2 . Use the vacuum ____________________ to clean the floor of your room . 3 . The post ____________________ and the bank are in this ____________________ , so you can post letters and get some money under one roof . 4 . He gave a funny ____________________ to her question , so she had to ____________________ lustily . 5 . I am thirsty ! Can I have a glass ____________________ water , please ? 6 . He ____________________ a digital ____________________ yesterday , now he can take lots of photos ! 7 . What can I eat instead of sweets or biskuits ? Well , try ____________________ gum with peppermint taste ! 8 . The shop is ____________________ floor and there are some flats above . 9 . This man robbed a bank , so the ____________________ took him to the police ____________________ . 10 . If the ____________________ you bought at the gas statoin is correct , we have to ____________________ left now . 11 . In ____________________ industry robots do most of the work in the factories . 12 . The subject where you learn a lot about countries and landscapes is called ____________________ . 13 . Yesterday the GSE teacher was ill , so we could ____________________ school and go home earlier . Cool ! 14 . Dad bought ice - cream for me and I really ____________________ it ! 15 . A ____________________ cleaner is a ____________________ to clean floors . 16 . A ____________________ is a ship that helps you to ____________________ a river or the sea ! 17 . In a ____________________ you can repair ships . 18 . Mike ____________________ me , that my sister is in the ____________________ , because her arm is broken . 19 . Tim left the town an hour ____________________ . 20 . I work for MTV and today I have to ____________________ Lady Gaga . What questions should I ask her ? 21 . Where is the ____________________ toilet ? Go ____________________ this street , there is one in the fast food restaurant ! 22 . Chocolate is popular all ____________________ the world . 23 . Most mobiles are ____________________ in China . It is simply cheaper . 24 . Androids like Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek are robots that look ____________________ , but they are all made of plastic and metal . 25 . The detective tries to find ____________________ who killed the man . 25 .