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1 ) The 12 most important deities were lived on the top of a great mountain called ____________________ ____________________ .

2 ) These 12 deities were called as ____________________ ____________________ .

3 ) ____________________ were built and ____________________ were made for people to worship the deities .

4 ) Greek's ____________________ and ____________________ are full of tales about them .

5 ) Aphrodite is also called as Venus by the Romans which is the goddess of ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

6 ) The statue of Aphrodite is called as the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and can be found in the ____________________ ____________________ in Paris .

7 ) The Greek gods and goddesses were believed to be immortal which means having ____________________ life .

8 ) Pluto is the god of ____________________ ____________________ .

9 ) He fell in love and kidnapped Persephone who is the daughter of ____________________ .

10 ) Demeter was goddess of ____________________ ____________________ .

11 ) When Persephone was kidnapped , Demeter searched for her daughter and caused the season to ____________________ to be happened .