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The energy used to power photosynthesis and make glucose/sugar/food (C6H12O6)

Water and carbon dioxide

Chemical Energy

A simple sugar or food that is an important source of energy.

How does amount of fertilizer effect the height of a plant? Controlled variable??

How does amount of fertilizer effect the height of a plant? Independent variable??

The organelle that uses energy from sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen

The movement of water inside and out of a plant


Oxygen and glucose

Small pores (holes) in the leaves of plants where the exchange of gases occurs

Cellular Respiration

The organelle that uses food/glucose and oxygen to make carbon dioxide, water, and the energy (ATP) that the organism needs to survive

A chemical contained in chloroplasts which gives leaves their green color and allows photosynthesis to occur

What chemical energy is used for in plants and animals

How does amount of fertilizer effect the height of a plant? Dependent variable??

Energy from bonds breaking in food/sugar/glucose (C6H12O6) during digestion. (ATP)






Process in which glucose (food) and oxygen are converted into water and carbon dioxide



Products of (made from) Cellular Respiration Reactants (Needs) of Photosynthesis

Movement, Growth, Repair

Products of (made from) Photosynthesis Reactants (needs) of Cellular Respiration

Process in which energy from the sunlight changes carbon dioxide, and water into glucose (food) and oxygen

height of a plant

how much fertilizer was used

Amount of sunlight