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“It usually takes a hundred years to make a law, and then after it has done its work, it usually takes a hundred years to get rid of it.” —Henry Ward Beecher

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” —Lord Acton, 1887

“The right of citizens… to vote shall not be denied… on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.” —U.S. Constitution, Amendment 15

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution thereof, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people thereof.” —Article 3, Declaration of Rights, Constitution of Maryland

Putin is poison and has been using his poison against foreign countries.

The democrats want to raise the debt ceiling, while republicans want a cap on the national debt. Symbols: Donkey, U.S. Government spaceship, gas station w/ man.

Powers that aren't expressed or prohibited in the Constitution are reserved to the States and the people living there.

Special Counsel Robert Muller is serving Trump Associates with subpoenas.

President Obama is denying that his administration had any scandals, but the press is reminding there has been scandals.

No matter color, race, or previous servitude, all are allowed to vote.

Writing a bill and getting it to become a law isn't simple. It takes a long time for a bill to get passed. Congress and the president must agree on it, but as time passes it may be deemed unconstitutional or unfavorable.

Democrats and Republicans are arguing about who's fault it is for the government shutdown. Symbols: Donkeys represent the Democrats; Elephants represent the Republicans

If one person has too much power (absolute), then they will become corrupt and their power will destroy their country.