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Step 6: Evaluate the Solution

Prototype Hot Air Balloon


Step 7: Re-Design your Solution

Scientific Method

Step 5: Test the Prototype

Step 4: Build a Prototype

Step 3: Develop a Solution

Step 2: Research the Problem

Engineering Design Process

Step 1: Define the Problem

How the scientific method is related to the engineering design process

Improving upon a hot air balloon design

Observe our hot air balloon rises in the air AND see how well our idea (solution worked). Think of ideas to solve those issues/problems

Design & build a hot air balloon that will stay in the air the greatest amount of time

Stepwise process used to research how or why hot air balloons work

Perform experiments on hot air balloons, read about hot air balloons, watch videos on hot air balloons

What we designed/built in class. A mini hot air balloon

The 1st hot air balloon

Fill the hot air balloon with hot air and let it go/rise into the air

Build the hot air balloon design that I came up with (designed)

The scientific method is the research section of the engineering design process

After watching our hot air balloon rise we look for other ideas to make it work better AND then modify the design AND retry

Stepwise process used to innovate a hot air balloon design by using scientific knowledge

Design a hot air balloon by drawing a picture, include dimensions, and explain how to build it