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One significant ____________________ implication of research conducted by by Bowlby is that of ____________________ IMPLICATIONS and the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . Increasing ____________________ in the ____________________ and ____________________ centuries led to the need for an expanding workforce which included women . It also meant that ____________________ needed to be provided , so the research highlighted the debate about stay - at home mums versus go to work began .

HOWEVER there are huge ____________________ costs of working mothers . The costs of childcare at both the family and society level are significant . in ____________________ ____________________ , the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ reported that the average annual cost to parents of sending an infant to nursery school full time is ____________________ , ____________________ . In March 2014 , the UK government introduced a scheme that allows parents to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on childcare costs , thereby incentivisng parents to work . The costs to the Treasury schemes such as these are significant , but there may be greater cost to the economy if we are unable to sustain an effective workforce .

The research has had further implications for ____________________ ____________________ . One of the forms of support offered to parents is time off work following the birth of their infant . Traditionally , this has only be offered to ____________________ in the form of maternity leave , however , from ____________________ ____________________ , parents are entitled to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . This means father and mothers can divide the ____________________ week entitlement . This change in ____________________ ____________________ reflects how parents in the UK are moving away from the traditional view that the mother should be the primary care giver of an infant .

In ____________________ , Bowlbys ? research has identified lots of breaches of ethical guidelines , but this is in regards to current BPS regulations that would not have been applicable during the time of his studies . The research has proved extremely beneficial in terms of improving the social situation of parents and also reducing the costs to the economy .