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Articles of Confederation

Virginia Declaration of Rights

Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Charters of the Virginia Company

US Constitution

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Magna Carta

George Mason

Established freedom of religious beliefs and opinions

-Breakup letter -Stated grievances against the king of Great Britain -Declared colonists' independence from Great Britain -Affirmed certain inalienable rights -Established the principle that people are equal under the law

Authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the Declaration of Independence

-Established the first form of national government for the independent states -Maintained that major powers resided with individual states -Weakness of central government led to the writing of the US Constitution

-Establishes the basic structure of the United States government -Guarantees equality under the law with majority rule and the rights of minorities protected -Affirms individual worth and the dignity of all people -Protects fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press assembly, and petition

Says that the rights of Englishmen were guaranteed to English colonists in the New World

Authored the Virginia Declaration of Rights

Served as a model for the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution of the United States of America

Established that the government (king) is responsible to his people