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1 . Jane is so ____________________ . She doesn't even give me a chance to say a word .
2 . My grandmother was always a very ____________________ woman . She could give the last piece of bread to someone who needed it more .
3 . Your jokes are hilarious . You're a very ____________________ person .
4 . How can you be so ____________________ ? You won't achieve anything if you don't start working right now .
5 . My sister can be very ____________________ when she meets new people .
6 . Tom is a very nice person , he's very kind and ____________________ .
7 . You can't be that ____________________ all the time , sometimes you need to relax and let it go .
8 . James works 24 / 7 . He's really ____________________ .
9 . Emma doesn't talk much . She prefers to stay ____________________ .
10 . I don't understand ____________________ people . It's so pleasant to give presents or just help poor people .