Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
Write questions and answer them

your friend / new shoes
Has ____________________ friend ____________________ new ____________________ ?
Yes , he / she ____________________ . / No , he / she ____________________ ? t .

you / an attic in your house
Have ____________________ ____________________ an attic in your house ?
Yes , I ____________________ . / No , I ____________________ ? t .

your school / a cafeteria
Has ____________________ school ____________________ a cafeteria ?
Yes , it ____________________ . / No , it ____________________ ? t .

a bird / wings
Has a ____________________ ____________________ wings ?
Yes , it ____________________ .

you / money in your bag
Have ____________________ ____________________ any money in ____________________ bag ?
Yes , I ____________________ . / No , I ____________________ ? t