10.- They have got legs and a segmented body
5.- They are the simples vertebrate
12.- They have got jelly-like bodies that look like umbrellas
15.- Some examples are scorpions and arachnids.
10.- They have got poisonous tentacles.
7.- They have got articulated exoeskeleton
13.- Some examples are: bivalves, snails and octopuses.
8.- They have got six legs and two antennae.
4.- They have got sof bodies and one or two shells.
19.- They have got along bodies made up of many identical segments.
9.- They have got eight legs.
11.- The main groups are: starfish and urchins.
3.- They have got long and soft body.
6.- They have got a skeleton made of hard plates and spines
20.- Some examples are: millipedes and myriapods.
1.- Their sac-like bodies are full of pores.
17.- Some examples are: crabs, shrimps, prawns and woodilce.
2.- They can live inside our bodies and caouse illnesses.
14.- Their bodies are divided into head, thorax and abdomen
18.- They have got a hard skeleton