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Hiro : ____________________ you ____________________ in that theme park last summer ?
Jenn : Yeah . In the ticket booth for the concert arena .
Hiro : Really ? How was it ? The reason I ____________________ ____________________ I ____________________ ____________________ about ____________________ for a job there myself .
Jenn : It ____________________ good . I ____________________ , the best part ____________________ that I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on all the rides for free . I ____________________ ____________________ if you ____________________ , but you ____________________ a free season pass .
Hiro : Cool .
Jenn : Yeah . And what I ____________________ ____________________ really good ____________________ I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a lot of the concerts and ____________________ some of the performers backstage .
Hiro : Great . Now , what I ____________________ ____________________ that it's hard ____________________ ____________________ a job there .
Jenn : Well , yeah . What I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ you ____________________ that they ____________________ a job fair in the spring . I ____________________ ____________________ if you're familiar with one , but you ____________________ around the park and ____________________ for different jobs .
Hiro . Yeah ? Maybe I ____________________ ____________________ to that .