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The Arabian Desert in the Middle East is one of the most ____________________ environments on Earth , and it has the less amount of rainfall . But to the camel , it is home . The camel is one of the ____________________ animals in the world . Camels can go for many days with only a little food and water . When they do find water , they probably drink ____________________ of any land animal . Adult camels can drink about 25 to 30 gallons ( 95 ? 114 liters ) in ten minutes . Unfortunately , finding water is not the ____________________ ____________________ problem camels face . The ____________________ ____________________ threat to camels comes from humans . Tourists in the desert leave trash behind . Camels think the trash is food and eat it . This is very dangerous for the camels , because it can kill them . One of the ____________________ ____________________ part of the desert is outside the city of Abu Dhabi . Each year , many camels die there from eating trash . Cameron Oliver has been trying to change this . Since he was eight years old , Cameron has been telling people that trash is very dangerous for camels . Of all the ____________________ people in Abu Dhabi , Cameron has worked ____________________ to help the camels . When he was 12 , Cameron became the ____________________ person to win an Abu Dhabi award for community service .