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Most people know that Mount Everest is the ____________________ mountain in the world . However , there is another fact that many people don ? t know : it has become one of the ____________________ mountains in the world . Mount Everest is one of the ____________________ and most ____________________ mountains to climb on Earth . It is not the ____________________ or the ____________________ place on Earth , but it comes close ! These challenges make it one of the most ____________________ mountains for serious climbers . Since1952 , over 3500 climbers have reached the top . Unfortunately , ____________________ of them have left equipment and trash on the mountain . In fact , trash is now one of the ____________________ threats to the environment on Mount Everest . Local organizations have brought tons of trash down from the mountain . One of the most ____________________ projects handed over more than a ton of tin cans , glass bottles , and old climbing tools to artists in Nepal . The artists used the trash to create works of art . Then , they sold the art to raise money for local charities . 1 The ____________________ expensive work of art cost $17 , and the ____________________ ____________________ one cost $2400 .