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____________________ is a child . She ____________________ near the forest . Her name is Joy . Today Joy is very hungry . She wants food . Joy goes to a forest . There is a monkey in the forest . Joy ____________________ the monkey ? I want ____________________ . ?

The monkey tells Joy , ? I am ____________________ . I will give you this food . It is wonderful food . ? He gives Joy ____________________ . Joy eats the poop . Joy ____________________ the monkey , ? I do ____________________ want poop ! In my opinion , poop is ____________________ . ? The monkey is happy and laughs . ____________________ is sad and cries .

Joy goes to a farm . There ____________________ a farmer . Joy tells the ____________________ ? I want food . ? The ____________________ is generous . He tells Joy , ? I have four ____________________ carrots . They cost one ____________________ . ? Joy ____________________ one dollar . She is happy ! She gives a dollar to the farmer . The farmer gives four hundred ____________________ to Joy . Joy eats four hundred carrots . Four hundred carrots is too ____________________ food ! Joy gets ____________________ . Joy tells the farmer , ? In my opinion , four hundred carrots is terrible . ? Joy ____________________ because she is so sad .