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Brielle decided she would make her friends some lunch. She poured her friends a glass of milk each which she would serve them in 1 hour and 20 minutes time.

Declan took the chicken off the top shelf of the fridge and cooked it. He didn’t check if the chicken was cooked thoroughly before serving.

Ella was looking for some vinegar to put in her salad dressing. She couldn’t find any in the pantry, but she knew there was some stored in the cleaning cupboard for polishing cutlery. So, she decided to use the vinegar from the locked cleaning cupboard, but it was un-labelled and didn’t smell like vinegar.

Isabella sliced some fruit to make a fruit salad. She noticed that she had to use a large amount of force to cut through the fruit.

Amelia was getting hot in the kitchen, so she decided to tie her hair up half way through cooking a stir-fry.

Axel wanted to prepare some vegetables to go with his dinner. He couldn’t be bothered to wash up the pan he used to cook chicken in, so he just used it to fry off the vegetables.

After cooking wash all utensils thoroughly in hot soapy water and dry with a clean tea towel. Dirty dishes can cause mould and bacteria to grow which can cause food poisoning.

Chemicals used for cleaning should always be kept separate from food out of reach of children. Bottles need to be labelled clearly with childproof lids. This ensures that food and chemicals are not mixed up.

Tying your hair back, removing jewellery and dangerous clothing e.g. long dangling sleeves should be done before entering the kitchen. Washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with warm soapy water is the first thing you should do when entering the kitchen. Secondly you should put on your PPE (e.g. apron and hair net) ensuring you are wearing enclosed protective shoes.

This is a high risk for contamination. The beverage will be in the danger zone for a long period of time. This could cause for food borne illnesses.

High risk items like meat should be stored at the bottom of the fridge and properly sealed so that it doesn’t contaminate other items. When cooking meat, it is important to check that it is cooked thoroughly so that the risk of food borne illness is lowered. A meat thermometre can be used or checking that the juices run clear is also useful.

This knife is not sharp enough which could cause injury to the user. Kitchen equipment needs to be maintained to ensure it is safe to use.