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There are many jobs that people can do like ____________________ like Harry Potter , ____________________ who loves the designing clothes , people can work with meat like a ____________________ , or with bread like a ____________________ . And if they like children they can work as a ____________________ . But , it is true that some English Speaking countries have famous people because of their jobs . For example , this character is from the American comics . Popeye is a ____________________ . He is middle - aged . He has a screwed - up face , and he wears a captain's hat . He smokes a pipe . Despite his appearance , Popeye is very kind - hearted and adventurous . When he is up to his neck in danger , Popeye eats a whole can of spinach ; it gives him a lot of strength .
They also have famous footballers like Gareth Frank Bale who is 25 years old and he is born in Cardiff ( Wales ) , bale practiced hockey , rugby and athletics , but he wants to be a ____________________

There are also famous actors for example an Irish actor called Pierce Brosnan . He wants to be an ____________________ and now is famous because of his films ? James Bond ? or ? Tomorrow never dies ? among others . Brosnan's father abandons the family when Pierce is an infant . So , his mother moves to London to work as a nurse .
From that point on , he grows up with his grandparents , Philip and Kathleen Smith . After their deaths , he lives with an aunt and then an uncle .