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Last week I ____________________ ( decide ) to invite my friends over for dinner . I ____________________ ( buy ) lots of delicious food . At 6 pm I ____________________ ____________________ ( cook ) in the kitchen . The sun ____________________ ____________________ ( shine ) and it ____________________ ( be ) a beautiful evening , so I ____________________ ( open ) the back door . Then the telephone ____________________ ( ring ) . I ____________________ ( go ) to answer it . When I ____________________ ( come ) back the ham ____________________ ( be ) not on the table . I ____________________ ( look ) out the window . A cat ____________________ ____________________ ( sit ) on my garden wall and it ____________________ ____________________ ( eat ) my ham . What ____________________ ( can ) I do ? I ____________________ ( fill ) a pan with water and ____________________ ( go ) quietly outside . The cat ____________________ not ____________________ ( look ) in my direction .