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The ____________________ state legislature proposed a ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( projet de loi ) allowing people to ____________________ guns in previoulsy ____________________ public areas One bill ____________________ handguns in ____________________ and ____________________ , as long as the ____________________ sanctions ( approuve ) it and the gun carrier does not drink ____________________ . Another permits ____________________ in state and ____________________ ____________________ . Opponnents claim that the ____________________ will ____________________ gun ____________________ , especially in ____________________ . They can point to ____________________ ( tristes ) statistics : roughly ____________________ people , were ____________________ by guns in ____________________ in ____________________ , according to the ____________________ ____________________ for ____________________ ____________________ and Control . But " the only person that ____________________ a ____________________ person with a gun is a ____________________ ____________________ with a gun " says ____________________ ____________________ , an ____________________ spokesman .

Virginia Tech ____________________ the lesson that gun controls are ____________________ only by the law - abiding ( les citoyens respecteux des lois ) . New York has ____________________ pistols since 1911 , and its ____________________ murder capitals , ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ , have similar ____________________ . One can draw a map of the US , showing the ____________________ ____________________ of tje strictness of its gun laws , and ____________________ of violence : all the way down to ____________________ , with no gun ____________________ at all , and the ____________________ level of armed violence ( one ____________________ that of Britain ) .

The ____________________ ____________________ estimates that hall of all property crimes is ____________________ to fundraising to buy ____________________ drugs . The police claims that drug markets are the ____________________ ____________________ ( le moteur principal ) of the Uk's burgeoning gun culture .

A ____________________ argument , afer ____________________ ____________________ , was that the ____________________ were partly to blame . The killer had watched covergae of previous massacres , at ____________________ High school in Colorado , and decided to ____________________ it . He also wanted to be ____________________ . . . Making killers ____________________ surely ____________________ copycats ( copieurs )

According to ____________________ , the homicide rate per year per 100 , 000 ____________________ stands at 0 . 98 in Germany , 1 . 45 inAustralia , 1 . 59 in France , 2 . 03 in the Uk , 5 . 8 int he US , 18 in Russia , 38 . 6 in South Africa .