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1. (Number of events / total sleep time) x 60
2. (amount of sleep for a stage / total sleep time) x 100
3. Lights out minus lights on
4. (Sleep onset minus lights out) + time awake after sleep onset
5. N1 + N2 +N3 +R
6. (Total sleep time / total recording time) x 100
7. REM onset epoch minus sleep onset epoch / 2

Percent stage N3

Time in Bed (TIB)

Wake Before Sleep Onset + WASO

REM latency

Total Recording time minus Total Wake Time (TWT)

Central apnea index (CI)

limb movement index

(N1 + N2 + N3 +R / Lights out minus lights on) x 100

percentage of night actually spent asleep

Total Recording time (TRT)

REM onset minutes minus sleep onset minutes

Total wake time (TWT)

Percent stage N2

Apnea hypopnea index (AHI)

Obstructive apnea index (OI)

Sleep efficency

Percent stage R

Hypopnea index (HI)

periodic limb movement index (PLMI)

Percent stage N1

Total Sleep Time (TST)