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Jouer Relier Colonnes

I work in the community and serve people their food.

I work in the community and take care of sick or injured people.

I work when all the kids leave school. I make sure all of the classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms are clean.

When there's a fire, I put it out. I work in the community.

I empty people's trash cans, boy is that smelly! I work in the community.

I drive kids to school!

I sit at a front desk and answer phone calls. I do a lot of paperwork and work in a school.

I make sure everyone is following all of the laws, and I work in the community.

I teach students all day long. I have my very own classroom.

I'm in charge of everyone in my school.

I work in the community and take care of animals.

I get to work really early to start cooking for little kids. I work in a school.

When children get sick or hurt, I help them feel better. I work at a school and my job starts with an 'N'.