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Recently , it ____________________ ____________________ in Maria's town . In the last week , it ____________________ ____________________
three times . Maria ____________________ always ____________________ the snow . She ____________________ ____________________ in the snow
many times before .
Maria's dog , Sparky , ____________________ never ____________________ in the snow . This is Sparky's first
snow . He ____________________ not ____________________ the cold yet .
Maria ____________________ just ____________________ a new sled for Christmas . She puts on her warm
clothes and snow boots . She pulls the sled up the hill . Sparky ____________________ ____________________
outside with Maria . Sparky ____________________ ____________________ Maria up the hill . He feels good !
Maria ____________________ finally ____________________ the top . She sits on her sled . She rides down the
hill . Sparky runs beside the sled . They ____________________ finally ____________________ the bottom .
Sparky ____________________ followed Maria all the way down the hill . Sparky has ____________________
that he likes the snow too !

By Really Learn Englis h