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1. Paragraphs
2. Group 2
3. Group 3
4. Group 4
5. Group 5
6. Group 6
7. Group 7
8. Group 8
9. Group 9
10. Group 10
11. Group 11
12. Group 12

Adam always seems to be tripping over his own feet. He has a knack for dropping things and has accidentally broken several dishes. Last week, he accidentally dropped his dad's cell phone in the sink!

Jenna often makes fun of Sasha. She tries to get her friends to make fun of her too. She tells everyone that Sasha is stupid and that her clothes are ugly. If another girl tries to play with Sasha, Jenna makes fun of her too.

Even though there are two other kids running for class president, Tyler is pretty sure that he will win. He is the best person for the job and all of his classmates know it.



Cara loves to play pretend games with her friends. She also enjoys writing stories. Cara has created an entire mythical world full of dragons, trolls, and fairies.

Josie's week is jam-packed. In addition to school, homework, and chores, she has soccer, band practice, ballet lessons, and girl scouts. She rarely has time to spend with her friends and watch TV.

Dwayne is always asking questions. He wants to know all about how things work and why things are the way they are. He spends a lot of time observing things in nature and doing science experiments.




Carlos always seems to have a smile on his face. Nothing seems to get him down. When the baseball game that he had been looking forward to got cancelled because of rain, Carlos said it would give him a chance to catch up on his reading.

No one wants to play with Jackie because she always tells everyone else what to do. She insists that everyone do things her way and will not listen to anyone else's ideas.


Ana always tells the truth. She never cheats on her tests or homework. When the check out lady at the store accidentally gave her too much change, Ana gave the extra back.




Thomas pushed his way to the front of the line. He grabbed his lunch tray without saying "thank you" to the server. While he was eating, he talked with his mouth full, and he left a mess of crumbs when he was done.



Miranda doesn't mind doing chores around the house. Sometimes, she does the dishes without even being asked. She also spends time helping her little sister with her homework and on Saturdays, she volunteers at the community center.

It seems like whenever here is work to be done, Isabel is nowhere to be found. She often says she will do a task, but then she never does. She spends most of her free time watching TV.
