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Most people assume that the cost of living has risen ____________________ for everyone over time . However , they are mistaken . For some it has risen much more ____________________ than for others , with teenagers ( or their long - suffering parents ) experiencing the biggest ____________________ . ____________________ , the yearly cost of a British 17 - years - old lifestyle has ____________________ from £750 to £9 , 000 a year over the last 40 years - and those are inflation - adjusted figures . That's a twelvefold ____________________ .
____________________ the biggest expenses are food , housekeeping , and clothing , but it's the thigs which weren't available in 1975 which really add to today's cost . For example , 17 - years - old these days clocks up to £420 on avarage for their mobile phone . On top of that , they spend around £200 on digital music . That's more than ____________________ the £60 teenagers spend a year on vinyl back in the 1975 . ____________________ is spent on things like sweets and trips to the cinema , despite the fact that both have increased ____________________ . They now average around £6 . 50 and £7 a week ____________________ .
____________________ , some things are cheaper now , such as game consoles , which have fallen ____________________ from £1 , 200 in 1975 to £300 now , and transport , which has dropped ____________________ in price . As most parents know , however , a games console in 1975 was a luxury , while for many of today's teens , it's closer to being a necessity .