Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 - John and Mary are married and ____________________ both are architects . They have ____________________ own office .

2A - What ? s ____________________ name ?
2B - Jonathan . He ? s my neighbor .
3A - What ? s ____________________ telephone number ?
3B - My phone number is 6785495 .
4A - What ? s ____________________ name ?
4B - Jennifer Aniston . She ? s an American actress .
5 - My parents and I are good friends . ____________________ live in a beautiful house . ____________________ color is yellow .

6A - Where does your sister study ?
6B - ____________________ studies at Yale .

7A - Do you live near here ?
7B - Yes , we do . ____________________ house is just two blocks away .
8 - You two are very good students ____________________ grades are excellent !

9 - Anna ? s parents are nice . ____________________ names are Kate and Jack .

10A - How old are your sisters ?
10B - ____________________ are eighteen and six .