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Step 2 of the Scientific Method

Hypothesis needs what items

Question: How does the age of a person effect how fast they can run? The controlled variable is:

Hypothesis definition

Steps in an Experiment includes:

Step 3 of the Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Controlled Variable

Dependent (Responding) Variable

Step 1 of the Scientific Method

Question: How does the age of a person effect how fast they can run? The independent variable is:

Step 4 of the Scientific Method

Question: How does the age of a person effect how fast they can run? The dependent variable is:

Independent (Manipulated) Variable

Procedure includes what items

What we make different in an experiment (the cause)

Written in cause/effect (If...then...)

1. Materials needed during an experiment 2. variables 3. steps/directions

Write a hypothesis (1st claim)

A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem through experimentation

What we measure in an experiment (the effect)

Ask a question AND research information surrounding that question

An explanation done before an experiment that is testable through an experiment.

The distance that is ran

1. What materials to use & how to use them 2. What is being recorded and how we are recording it

What we keep the same in an experiment

How fast they can run

Make observations about the natural world

Come up with a procedure (experiment) to test your hypothesis

Age of the person