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1. Limited Government
2. Unlimited Government
3. Celebrate Freedom Week

Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, and Communism represent this government type.

The power of government is limited in order to prevent a violation of rights.

Characteristics: ruled by the people, economic freedom, checks & balances

Constitutions or other documents exist to protect the rights of citizens.

Citizens have few to no rights.

Honors the adoption of the constitution on September 17, 1787

Examples include North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and WWII Germany.

Celebrate Freedom Week

One-party Rule

Types of this government include Representative Democracy, where citizens vote to elect leaders.

Countries with this type of government include the United States and Canada (both are Representative Democracies).

A time to remember the American colonists who left England because King George had oppressed their rights.

Leaders have all the power.