Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
a ) I can't ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( tolerate ) her attitude . She is very arrogant .
b ) I need to ____________________ ____________________ ( verify ) the time of the show , but I think it's at 7 pm .
c ) Paul didn't ____________________ ____________________ ( come , appear ) for breakfast .
d ) The students ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( suggest ) a very interesting solution for this problem .
e ) If I eat too much on the plane , I will ____________________ ____________________ ( vomit ) .
f ) Paul , we are ____________________ ____________________ ( depending on ) you . Please , don't disappoint us .
g ) I ____________________ ____________________ ( confused ) the dates . Sorry ! Sarah's birthday is TOMORROW ! NOT TODAY !
h ) I can't have lunch now , I have to ____________________ ____________________ ( examine ) these documents .