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The infant ____________________ adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and ____________________ Steven Paul Jobs . Clara ____________________ as an accountant and Paul ____________________ a Coast Guard veteran and machinist . The family ____________________ in Mountain View , California , within the area that would later become known as Silicon Valley . As a boy , Jobs and his father ____________________ on electronics in the family garage . Paul ____________________ his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics , a hobby that instilled confidence , tenacity and mechanical prowess in young Jobs .
A few years later , while Jobs ____________________ enrolled at Homestead High School , he was ____________________ to his future partner Steve Wozniak , who ____________________ attending the University of California , Berkeley . In a 2007 interview with PC World , Wozniak ____________________ about why he and Jobs ____________________ so well : " We both ____________________ electronics and the way we ____________________ to hook up digital chips , " Wozniak ____________________ . " Very few people , especially back then , ____________________ any idea what chips ____________________ , how they ____________________ and what they could do . I ____________________ designed many computers , so I ____________________ way ahead of him in electronics and computer design , but we still ____________________ common interests . We both ____________________ pretty much sort of an independent attitude about things in the world . . . . "

Source : https : / / www . biography . co m