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Allow to cool slightly prior to rolling in shugarwhite.

Turn the doughnuts over and fry on side 2 for approximately 2 minutes.

Scale at 54g, round up and place onto frying screen 5 x 4. Place into the prover.

Fry in clean oil at 180°C for approximately 2 minutes until golden brown.

Once injected place the doughnuts into the doughnut carton with filling holes to the side.

Prove for 40 – 45 minutes. Once fully proved allow to stand ambient for 5 minutes to skin slightly.

Tap 2 doughnuts together to remove excess shugarwhite.

Set the filling depositor to inject 12g of filling per doughnut. Set the depositor at 6 initially and adjust as required. Note: The filling may need softening down prior to placing into the hopper.