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to upset someone

a very common infectious disease that lasts for a short time and makes you feel weak and tired

hurt (someone’s) feelings


to tell lots of people some information about someone, usually relating to their private life



an amount of money that you have to pay when you enter a place or an organized event

break a promise

someone whose job is to guard something


feel sick



to feel that food that you have eaten is going to come out of your stomach through your mouth

the part of the brain above the spinal cord, between the left and right halves of the brain

the chairs, tables, beds, dressers, etc. that you put in a room or house so that you can live in it

to not do something you agreed to do

a piece of writing using beautiful or unusual language arranged in fixed lines that have a particular beat and often rhyme

security guard

to think about the feelings and needs of other people

large in amount

spread gossip

be considerate



admission charge

the act of performing a play, dance, or other form of entertainment

feeling that the things around you are spinning and that you are going to fall

a story someone writes for a movie

to harm something physically so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured