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1 (3 words, part of name) The PPACA or the __ ___ and ___ Care Act passed by Congress in 2010 and by the Supreme Court (not in its entirety) in 2012 intended to extend health insurance coverage to some 50 million uninsured Americans by 2014. (p288)
2 (2 words) The US Treasury holds a trust fund for __ __, which is organised by the Department of Labor with each state administering its own program. Most workers are covered, payments last up to 26 weeks and is between 50 and 70% of the average weekly pre-tax wage. (p290)
3 (2 words) A requirement by law for certain persons to purchase or otherwise obtain a good or service, i.e. PPACA. (p297)
4 (3 words) Since 1975, EITC or __-__ __ credit is a tax aid designed to lift the working poor (with or without dependent children) above the poverty line, receiving lump-sum payments or refunds from the IRS. (P294)
5 (2 words) __ - __ benefits such as Aid to Families of Dependent Children and General Assistance helped the needy, families, children and people with disabilities, but are unpopular. Now such aid is means-tested, i.e. EBT food cards and TANF. (p286-7)
6 (2 words)these have increased due to alleged inadequate or wrong treatment. Trial lawyers can profit considerably by fighting personal-injury XXX on a contingency fee basis, but the rise in such cases forces doctors to insure themselves against the risks of being sued. Drug companies can also be sued. Lawyer’s fees, insurance policies and so on can increase the cost of treatment. (p300)
7 (2 words) Since 1935, __ __ is the largest XXX services program in the US. It is administered from Washington but critics allege that it keeps only 40% of people over 65 out of economic difficulties. (p290)
8 (3 words) One of Lyndon B Johnson’s campaigns which was intended to alleviate need and suffering with pre-schooling for the poor, funding for school districts and grants. (p287)
9 (2 words) Eligibility for many welfare programs is based on the “official _ _”, which is calculated annually by the Federal Social Security Administration. It determines earned income levels below which a household is classified as poor, exclusive of non-cash benefits such as food cards. (p294)
10 (compound noun) Americans have traditionally had __-__ and independence. Social provision has been a personal matter and the responsibility of individuals or families rather than state or federal institutions. People are still expected to look after themselves . (p284)
11 (3 words) The GI (General Issue/Government Issue/Galvanised Iron i.e. Army related) __ __ __ or The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 allowed War Veterans federal medical, educational and housing benefits(p287)
12 (2 words) _ _ families have often been associated with the needy, the poverty line, welfare programs and minority groups, although most were in work according to a 2000 census, with children often receiving free school meals. (p295)
13 ___ had been too easily given to individuals and lenders had over-extended themselves. The market collapsed when borrowers could not repay their _______ and when there was insufficient credit available to maintain the system or provide loans. People lost their property to foreclosure or repossession and many house prices halved. (p303)
14 American benefit from _______ in education, home loans, tax breaks and (now) healthcare. (p289)
15 (From Chapter 10-2 words) The founders stressed economic freedom, based on philosphers like _ _ and argued that consumers and producers should pursue their own self-interest and profit-making in a free enterprise economy. (p261)
16 Most ___ people are African Americans, men, families with children and veterans, more than half live in shelters, although federal assistance schemes (the McKinney program) and states and cities have developed a “Housing First” initiative, placing XXX people in apartments of their own. (p304)
17 This was created in 1965. It is a direct federal health program. It gives federal grants to states for the free health treatment of the poor and needy under 65, blind and disabled people and families with dependent children, who lack the money or insurance to pay for the service. It follows a matching fund policy, causing its scope to vary from state to state. (p292)
18 As part of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) schemes, these programs require that welfare recipients, such as single parents, should be prepared to work (often in public service jobs), take part in job training schemes or attend educational courses. Intended to encourage recipients to move off welfare and into secure jobs. (p293)
19 This has provided healthcare for over 65s and the disabled since 1965. It has incomplete coverage (p290) causing many elderly people to struggle to afford the full cost of some types of treatment, usually needing additional private insurance
20 Help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money (Cambridge)
21 (2 words) Following the Great Depression, the resources of private, public and voluntary organizations proved insufficient, when an estimated 40 percent of the population lived in relative poverty, leading to the __ ___ to rectify faults in the economy and to provide social protection for the poor and the needy. (p286)
22 (6 letters) Social security originated in the 1935 Social Security Act. It is a social insurance program and covers one main areas: the _ _ _ _ _ _ program. This is concerned with benefits, such as retirement, pensions, disability, healthcare, survivorship and death. Employees and employers each pay one half of the SS tax and the self-.employed pay the whole of the tax during their working lives. (p290)
23 (4 letters) A federal welfare program created in 1935 under the new deal and which ended in 1996. It was said to have created too much dependence on government handouts. (p288)
24 Following the end of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children, this state benefit was paid for a short period until parents found work. (p288)
25 (3 LETTERS) The Department of XX, XX and XX created in 1953 acknowledged national responsibility for and the importance of, social services. This federal organization has a large number of departments and responsibilities, operating under the current name of the Department of XX and Human Services. (P289)
26 (3 letters) _ _ _ cards Paper food stamps were a sign of poverty in the US but were changed to _ _ _ cards in 2004 and are limited to a period of three months unless the recipients are working. (p293)