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1 (3 words) The court decided that a Native American tribe was neither an independent nation nor a state but a “_ _ _ “.(p89)
2 (3 words) Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, calling for property and divorce rights, educational and employment opportunities and the vote using language taken from the XXXXXXX XXXXXX independence. (p79)
3 (3 words) Most Americans support this. The same chance to develop one’s abilities and be rewarded for them. (p78)
4 (3 words) The ____ ____ _____ or the acronym _ _ _ - Passed in 1972 but not ratified in 1982. The struggle raised women’s awareness of their social position but by the 80s civil rights laws and court decisions had apparently already accomplished the same goal. (p82)
5 (3 words) The ___-___-___ case in 1896 established the Supreme Court’s separate-but-equal doctrine approving segregation.
6 (3 words) ___ ___ _____ were recruited on sugar plantations under military style discipline in Hawaii, segregated into different nationalities, although they were provided food, housing and medical care. (p104)
7 This is tolerated until proficiency in English is reached within Latino communities. (p110)
8 (2 words) Deliberate eroding of Native American tribes’ legal authority, controlling reservations, replacing tribal rule with the application of US or State laws and US citizenship being granted to all by 1924 are examples of ___ ___ or “Americanization”. (p90)
9 (2 words) _____ _____ programs help the preferential treatment of women and minorities, in order to correct the effects of past discrimination
10 In 1954, the Brown versus Board of Education case reversed the separate-but-equal doctrine, making ___ ____ almost impossible to implement in graduate and professional schools, also thanks to pressure from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
11 (2 words) The _-_ Act passed in 1975 giving tribal councils most powers exercised by state goverments. They develop both an economy and social institutions that are tailored to their own natural resources and values. (p93)
12 (2 words) latinos won an important victory in 1982 when the Supreme Court decided that children of __-___ were entitled to public education. (p110)
13 (3 words) Until the mid-1800s, women’s legal status was determined by this, meaning she ceased to exist legally except through her spouse, with no right to own property, control wages or sign contracts. (p79)
14 stonewallriots (3 words-The situation) In 1979, gay men fought back for the first time following a series of raids in the XXXXX XXXXX Inn in Greenwich Village, a gay bar.
15 Anti- ____ laws prevented Asians from marrying white people in the mid 1940s (p105)
16 For women, the parallels between discrimination against African Americans and women were publicized. (p79)
17 The _____ approach or _____ legislation was influenced by female social reformers demanding to be treated as a special category thus limiting working hours and occupational choices to protect their safety and health.
18 (3 words) In 1973, the Supreme Court allowed for limited abortion rights through the ___ ____ ____ case (p81)
19 (3 words) A law passed by Franklin D Roosevelt attempting to correct the mistakes of the past via relief and employment programs being extended to Native Americans, better-staffed hospitals for them, bilingual education and the return of “surplus” land. (p91)
20 (2 words) Since the mid-1960s, the popular media have often depicted Asian Americans as the country’s most successful ethnic groups under this label. (p106)
21 (2 words) The type of prejudice which prevents people such as successful Asian Americans from reaching higher management levels of industries and professional firms.
22 (2 words) Legislation passed in Sothern states to limit the rights of former slaves, which were repealed by Congress after Union victory in 1863.
23 (2 words) The __-___ Revolution refers to the passing of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Acts of the 60s.
24 Citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, lawyers serving the poor in Alabama (in 2001) helped Martha _____ , a Spanish speaker whose English was limited, sue the state for discrimination based on her cultural background, because it passed a law requiring all driver’s tests to be given in English.
25 (2 words) ____-_____ marriage/civil unions were made legal under Vermont law in 2000 and were recognised by statute in six states and the District of Columbia by 2012. (p95-96)
26 This state passed a law in 2010 making it a state crime for the foreign-born not to carry documentation of their immigration status or to seek employment if they were not authorized, allowing police to stop and search without a warrant.
27 By the 1950s, almost half the nation’s African Americans lived in restive ____ outside the South and Asian Americans usually also had to live in these due to discriminatory laws of the 1940s.
28 (2 words) -___-____ segregation was the separation of the races by law, implemented in the South.
29 (5 letters) A group who fought for African Americans’ civil rights in general and for repeal of the separate-but-equal doctrine in particular, annulling the grandfather clause which had denied descendants of non-voters in 1860s the right to vote.