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A sprain is an injury of the ligaments due to excesive extention, bloating or torsion, coupled by bruises, inflamation and pain that prevent the movement of the injured area.

Fracture is defined as: lost of continuity of bone mass. It is caused mainly by direct blows.

Achondroplastic dwarfism: Long bones stop growing during childhood.

A muscle tear is an injury that damages the internal structure of the muscle.

Muscular contraction is the persistent and involuntary contraction of a muscle.

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that results in the "S" or "C" form.

Atrophy is the reduction of the size of an organ due to the loss of protoplamic mass.

Disease that consists in the loss of bone tissue in the bones due to descalcification.

The term muscular distrophy makes reference to a group of hereditary diseases that produce weakness in the striated muscles.

A dislocation is produced when extreme force is applied over a ligament, which separates the ends of connected bones.