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1 .
A : It seems like people are getting married much later these days .
B : ____________________ . I think it's better to wait until you're older .
A : ____________________ ____________________ . That way you have time to grow up .

2 .
A : I think it's sad that so many people get divorced these days .
B : ____________________ ____________________ . I heard that 1 in 3 marriages ends in divorce . That's terrible , especially when kids are involved .
A : ____________________ . It's a real shame .

3 .
A : It's too bad for families don't eat together anymore .
B : ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ . I read an article about that . It said when families eat together , the kids get into less trouble because they talk to each other more .
A : ____________________ . And anyway , it's just nicer to eat together .

4 .
A : You know , I don't think it's good when both parents work . It's not good for the kids .
B : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . But I guess some families need two incomes .
A : ____________________ ____________________ . But money isn't everything .