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knowledge ____________________ cultural values is essential for cultural intelligence . Thomas and Inkson give two ways to look ____________________ cultural values . The first is from Geert Hofstede , a Dutch social scientist . In a study first published in 1980 , Hofstede analyzed answers on paper and pencil questions about the values of more than 100 , 000 employees . . . Statical analysis of the country differences showed these to fall into four separate areas . ( " dimensions " ) :
Individualism . In individualism cultures , people think ____________________ themselves as individuals and prefer ____________________ work alone or ____________________ do activities in small " private interactions with friends . " They base their decisions ____________________ their own ideas ____________________ what is appropriate . In collectivistic cultures , people think ____________________ themselves as " members ____________________ group " and prefer group activities . They base decisions ____________________ the needs of the group .
Power distance . In a culture with high power distance , people expect a big difference ____________________ people ____________________ high status and people with low status . For example , at work , they expect the boss ____________________ make all the decisions . In a culture with low power distance , people are more equal . There isn't as much difference ____________________ people ____________________ high and low status . ____________________ work the boss listens ____________________ people ____________________ all levels ____________________ the company .