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A . Email Jess
Hi Jess ,
What are you doing ?
I´m at home , I ? m so worried about our project , we have not worked on this and Miss Yeral is ____________________ ____________________ a ____________________ , due to we are not progress as we have to .
B . Email Carol
Hello Carol ,
I ? m cold , I ? m in bed
So sorry , but ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a ____________________ and I have forgotten working on the project .

A . Email Jess
I know that you are so busy .
Marian asked me If you could help her with her project .

B . Email Carol
Ash ! Really
I told her I had to do something else , for that reason I could not help her . But as you know she is as ____________________ as a ____________________ and she will never stop asking it .
I do not what to do !
She is getting on my nerves !