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Aurelia : Who ? s that boy over there , Hannah ?

Hannah : That ? Er , that ? s my brother , Jem .

Aurelia : Your brother ?

Hannah : Yes , and that ? s his girlfriend Lucy . The pretty girl with the long , brown ____________________ .

Aurelia : Oh right . So , you ? ve got a brother ?

Hannah : No , I ? ve got two brothers . Jem and Alex .

Aurelia : Really ? . . . and . . . how ____________________ is Alex ?

Hannah : Alex and Jem are ____________________ , they ? re both 15 .

Aurelia : 15 , mmm . . . and does Alex ____________________ like Jem ?

Hannah : They ? re exactly the ____________________ ! They ? re ____________________ tall and thin . They ? ve both got short brown ____________________ , green ____________________ and big ears !

Aurelia : They ? re not big , I think they ? re cute . And . . . has Alex got a girlfriend ?