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Hello my first name is Mario and my last name is Castro . I am in an English class at the university in The United States . I am from Cali , ____________________ and I am 25 years old . My first language is Spanish but I also speak a little French because my mother is from ____________________ . I am a full time student and I want to be a doctor in the future . I also want to be in my school volleyball team with my friend Luis . Luis speaks Portuguese because he is not ____________________ , he is ____________________ but he can also speaks Spanish and English very well . Luis is 26 years old and he is in The United States because he wants to be an engineer . We are very good friends and we think ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ is a very beautiful country . We plan to visit ____________________ the next month with Pablo . He is ____________________ , but his parents are from the famous country which famous typical food is " pupusas " . Yes ! you are right , they are from ____________________ ____________________ .