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The ____________________ material is also known as regolith . It is the material that is ____________________ to become soil . It affects the : ____________________ of the soil , as ____________________ material weathers faster creating deeper soils ; the ____________________ of the soil , that is , how coarse or fine the soil is . This is determined by the ____________________ of sand , silt and clay in the soil . It also affects the soil's ____________________ , that is , the water drainage in the soil and the ____________________ of the soil . Dark rocks lead to ____________________ coloured soils .

The ____________________ is responsible for the distribution of world soil types . Climate affects the rate of ____________________ of the parent rock . This is ____________________ in hot and wet climates . ____________________ affects the mineral content in the soil through leaching and capillary action . On the other hand , ____________________ also affects the humus content , which is fastest in hot and wet countries .

The ____________________ or relief is the shape of the land . As the ____________________ of the land increases , precipitation , cloud cover and wind ____________________ , while temperatures and length of the growing season ____________________ . The ____________________ is the direction a slope faces . ____________________ facing slopes are warmer and drier . The ____________________ of the slope also affects the ____________________ of water in the soil and soil ____________________ . ____________________ slopes usually , lead to drier , and thinner soils .

The ____________________ , like plants , bacteria and fungi , and animals all interact in the ____________________ cycle . Plants take up nutrients from the soil and return them to it after they die . Also micro - organisms , including worms and termites , ____________________ and ____________________ the soil . ____________________ are increasingly affecting soil development , through the addition of fertilisers , the breaking up of horizons by ploughing , draining or irrigating land , by accelerating or controlling soil erosion .

Soils take ____________________ to form , usually between 3 , 000 to 12 , 000 years are needed to produce a sufficient depth of mature soil for farming . Newly formed rock contains many ____________________ of the parent material , but with time , they acquire ____________________ characteristics resulting from the addition of organic matter , the activity of organisms and from leaching .