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8:45 am


9:45 pm



Occipital Lobe

During the autopsy internal examination this was found that supports the belief that he was killed in the morning

Autopsy External Examination

Autopsy Internal Examination


13 hours

Medical Examiner or Pathologist

Ritz Palace Hotel

Under the fingernails

Why do they do autopsies?



Elevator Operator

During this part of the autopsy the internal organs are removed, weighed, stomach drained, examines the feces, etc.

Length in time between when the body was found and when the murder took place

Number of suspects the police have who may have committed the crime

Where the victim was stabbed

Where DNA was found that we will do DNA analysis on.

This is the determined time of death

Time when the body was found

During the autopsy physical characteristics are examined like bruising, wounds, smells, blood pooling, the clothes, the fingernails, etc. for clues. The body is not cut into. during this part

Number of fingerprints they found

Location of the murder

Part of the victim's brain that was injured.

Bacon and eggs

The person who performs the autopsy

Number of injuries the victim has that could have caused his death.

Type of cut used to open up the body and examine the internal organs

Determine the cause of death, find evidence, and any other irregularities

Number of witnesses

The victim in this investigation