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Sir Joseph John Thomson was an English ____________________ , the ____________________ of the electron .
Thomson ____________________ ____________________ in 1856 in Manchester , England , of Scottish parentage . He ____________________ engineering at Owen's College , Manchester , and moved on to the University of Cambridge . In 1884 he became ____________________ of experimental physics . One of his students was Ernest Rutherford , who would later ____________________ him in the post .
Influenced by the work of James Clerk Maxwell , and the discovery of the X - ray , he ____________________ the existence of " corpuscles " or ____________________ . His discovery was made known in 1897 , and caused a sensation in ____________________ circles , eventually resulting in his being awarded a ____________________ ____________________ ( 1906 ) . Prior to the ____________________ of World War I , he made another ground - breaking discovery : the ____________________ . In 1918 , he became Master of Trinity College , Cambridge . He died in 1940 and ____________________ ____________________ in Westminster Abbey , close to ____________________ ____________________ .