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Christy Lewis
" Well , I'm ____________________ from college next June , so I guess I'll ____________________ for a job . I know it ____________________ ____________________ easy to find one - so I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for a master's degree . We'll ____________________ . "

Laura Chang
" I'm not sure . I ____________________ ____________________ for a better job . Before that , though , I'm ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ my boss for a promotion . But I probably ____________________ ____________________ one , so . . . "

Paul Reade
" Well , my friends ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ around Europe for two months . I hope ____________________ ____________________ able to go with them . But ____________________ ____________________ expensive , and I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ able to afford it . "

Jim and Katie Conley
" We're ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a baby in March , so both of us ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ some time off from work . I'm sure the baby ____________________ ____________________ us both very busy . "

Joe Etta
" ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ - I'll ____________________ 65 in June - and my wife's already retired . so ____________________ probably ____________________ to Florida in the fall , or maybe Arizona . We ____________________ ____________________ another winter here - that's for sure ! "