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It’s a group of disk drives that are connected and used as a single unit

It’s the amount of data that can be contained within a given computer storage device

It’s an interface for connecting storage devices to a computer system

It occurs when a disk drive malfunctions and the data stored on it cannot be accessed

It’s the process of storing information using less storage space by reducing the number of bits it takes up

It’s a removable disk storage system that is typically used to transfer data

It’s a long, narrow piece of magnetized plastic that is used for storing information

It’s a method for combining multiple disk drives into a single storage unit that can increase computer performance dramatically.

It’s a blank CD that can have information written on it only once

It’s a blank CD that can have information written on it multiple times

It’s a flexible magnetic storage disk encased in a square plastic shell that is used to transfer data

It’s a portable flash memory system that uses a USB interface to connect to a computer and transfer information

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