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Jouer Devinette

I live in the woods. I'm very big and furry. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries. I am a...

I can fly. I have six legs. I am yellow and black. I collect honey.

I live in China. I am black and white. I love eating bamboo.

I can fly. I am not a bird. I sleep during the day. I am black.

I am a wild animal. I howl. I look like a dog.

You can ride me. I don´t drink often. I live in the dessert. I have a hump

I have got two legs. I lay eggs. I live on the farm. I cluck

I am the biggest cat in the world. I have got black, orange and white stripes. I eat pigs, rhinos, deers..

I have got two long ears. I have got fur. I like eating carrots. I hop.

I am a reptile. I haven´t got any legs. I have got a long body. I slither.