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Jouer Compléter
1 . - It´s without doubt the most popular sport in Spain . ____________________
2 . - There is a grass version of this sport . ____________________
3 . - Is not exactly the same in the U . S . A . as in Europe . ____________________ .
4 . - " Tour de France " is one of the most important events for this sport . ____________________ .
5 . - Usually it is one player against another one but it can be played as doubles . ____________________ .
6 . - You don´t need to be a giant to practise this sport but being tall will help . ____________________ .
7 . - Two teams of five players each are needed to play this game . ____________________ .
8 . - It´s not only about running . ____________________ .
9 . - You need some water for this . ____________________ .
10 . - Some very specific equipment , including ropes , are fundamental . ____________________ .