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____________________ is the act of passing or sharing of information from one person to another . The first major model for communication came in ____________________ by ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ for Bell Laboratories . . ____________________ noise can be psychological in nature such as nagging thought in your mind while in the middle of communicating with another . ____________________ - ____________________ communication refers to the use of facial expressions , gestures and sign languages . . ____________________ communication takes place when the receiver is on the same platform as the speaker resulting to a smooth flow of information and better understanding of the message . ____________________ is any type of disruption that interferes with the transmission or interpretation of message from the sender to the intended recipient .

The ____________________ is the ____________________ of the message . The ____________________ ____________________ of the message . The ____________________ thoughts or ideas that are transmitted from the sender to the receiver . The ____________________ medium how the information flows .