Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . ____________________ ____________________ a tree in our garden . ( Not )

2 . ____________________ ____________________ a girl called Tabatah in my class . ( not )

3 . ____________________ ____________________ cows in the field . ( Not )

4 . ____________________ ____________________ some very big ships in the harbor today ?

5 . ____________________ ____________________ fish for dinner .

6 . ____________________ ____________________ a girl in my class who can walk on her hands . ( Not )

7 . ____________________ ____________________ nothing to do when it rains .

8 . ____________________ ____________________ a cat sitting on the bench .

9 . In our park ____________________ ____________________ some great things to play on .

10 . In our park ____________________ ____________________ a fountain where we can drink water . ( Not )