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We have learned so many new things this year ! For example , we have learned about different types of government . Governments that are ____________________ have to follow rules , usually a constitution . The opposite is an ____________________ government , which can do whatever it wants . The United States , England , and ____________________ are all examples of limited governments . The United States and South Africa are democracies . England is a ____________________ monarchy . One example of a country with an unlimited government was the ____________________ . This country practiced ____________________ . The Soviet Union was ruled for many years by a dictator named Joseph Stalin .

We've also learned about economies , which is how goods are made and sold . The United States has a ____________________ economy . This means the ____________________ are in control of business ownership and private property . Communist countries have ____________________ economies . This means the ____________________ owns everything and controls all business policies and decisions .

We've also learned about how people , goods , and ideas move from place to place . A transportation ____________________ like the Panama Canal or Suez Canal makes it easier to move from place to place . But the Ural Mountains are an example of a ____________________ , which makes movement more difficult . As people move , they take their ideas , languages , religion , and cultures with them . The spreading of ideas from one area to another is called ____________________ .

We've also talked about how humans survive . One way to survive is to make ____________________ to the environment around you - like terrace farming in Chile , where the Incans carved farms into the sides of mountains . On the other hand , sometimes humans make ____________________ , or changes to themselves . This includes wearing a coat when it's snowing . People survive much better in ____________________ countries where just about everyone has what they need , plus extras . In ____________________ countries , most people have their needs met , like basic medical care and sometimes electricity . Where there is no extras and many do not have what they need to survive , it is called an ____________________ country .