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Hong Kong was ____________________ from Japanese occupation in 1945 .

The UN in Somalia says tens of thousands of people will have died of ____________________ by the time the famine in the Horn of Africa ends .

Many students feel that they being ____________________ to the authority of their teachers when they feel they have been set too much prep .

Germany ____________________ to the combined forces of France , Italy and Britain in 1918 .

The runner started to ____________________ at the end of the race because he had run out of energy .

Racism is an ____________________ crime that has no place in football .

In Nazi Germany , the ____________________ were allowed to arrest people that offended the government in any way . The government could use the secret police to accuse and arrest anyone they wanted without being questioned .

Communists during the Russian Revolution used the term ? ____________________ as a replacement for such titles as Mr . or Mrs .

Luckily a police officer came to the ____________________ of the man who was being attacked .

It is important to show ____________________ in times of hardship .

Although exams are stressful , it is important to ____________________ ____________________ the storm of pressure .

Both Zimbabwe and North Korea have ____________________ leaders according to Western countries .

Drivers who drive cars without a licence are a ____________________ to other drivers and pedestrians .

Many people believe that parents have a ____________________ to pass on their values to their children .