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Dear mom ,
Here you are a couple of things about my new boyfriend , Mauricio . I know you will love him , as I do .
Mauricio is from Argentina . He ____________________ an ophtalmologist . . . we met at the clinic . Can you believe it ?
His mom is a ____________________ , and his dad is a taxi ____________________ ( Uber , or something like that ) .
Mauricio ____________________ English in the morning , usually from 9 to 11 am , every day !
He's a little lazy , so he ____________________ up at 8 o'clock , ____________________ his teeth , takes a ____________________ , gets dressed and . . . ____________________ home .
He doesn't ____________________ breakfast at home . He ____________________ to the language institute and buys a cup of coffee and some crackers at the cafeteria .
After he ____________________ his classes , he ____________________ lunch with me , at a small cafeteria near the clinic .
He starts his service at half past one , and ____________________ until 7 or 8 pm . After work , he goes home , reads and ____________________ ( he likes it because of his mom ) . We usually chat from 9 : 30 ( half past nine ) to 10 : 00 pm . Then , we go to bed at 10 : 30 and set our alarm clocks .

Well , hope to see you soon mom .
Say ____________________ to dad .